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Archangel Chamuel. Love. I love myself.
Pink color. Tuesday.
The archangel in charge of love ties, represents union.

Camael (Hebrew: חַמּוּאֵל‎, lit. 'strength' or 'he who sees God'), also spelled Kamael, Chamael, and Chemuel, is the name of the archangel of strength, courage, and war. in angelology and Christian and Jewish mythology. Camael is probably an alternative spelling of Chamuel (Hebrew חַמּוּאֵל "wrath of God") or Qemuel (קְמוּאֵל "God is risen").

Camael is known as one of the ten angels of the Kabbalah, assigned to the sefirot Geburah. According to Gustav Davidson's popular work, A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels (1967), his name is also included in the Corpus Areopagiticum of Pseudo Dionysius, as one of the seven archangels along with Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.5 In some sources it appears as the angel who appears to Jesus during his agony in the garden of Gethsemane as narrated in Saint Luke 22, 43-44,6, so it is often represented in iconography holding a chalice, which is why he is called the angel of Sangreal.

Camael is not recognized by the Catholic Church, as he was included in the Vatican's ban on the veneration of angels not mentioned in the Bible in the Directory on Popular Piety, which was published by the Congregation for Divine Worship in 2002.8 The Anglican Church recognizes Camael (under the name of Saint Chamuel) as one of the seven archangels along with those already mentioned above.

Within Western esoteric doctrines, Camael is the ruling spirit over the planet Mars and war. This is cited, for example, by Francis Barret in his work The Magus. Davidson realizes that this attribution could well be due to a confusion with a druid deity of the same name.

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